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Make Sure your post based on Blogging (WordPress | Blogger), Digital Marketing, Gadgets, Gaming, Programming Languages, Tech News or Tips & Tricks. Before submitting your post you have to follow our Guest Blogger Guidelines.

📌 Guest Blogger Guidelines:

  1. Content provided must be Guest Blogger’s original work and must not be published anywhere else online, before and/or after it is published on TechyGenerationBlog’s website. Once Guest Blogger has submitted content to TechyGenerationBlog, it may not be published anywhere else online, including Guest Blogger’s own website/blog without TechyGenerationBlog written consent.
  2. Plagiarism: Plagiarism is not permitted. Guest Blogger agrees to ensure that all sources are properly credited. TechyGenerationBlog will not be held accountable for improperly credited sources. Guest Blogger agrees to take all responsibility for plagiarism or improper citations.
  3. Length: TechyGenerationBlog prefers that the length of each blog post be above 1000 words.
  4. Images: TechyGenerationBlog will accept images and/or video to accompany blog posts. TechyGenerationBlog prefers that the images/videos Guest Blogger provides are related to the content. TechyGenerationBlog reserves the right to reject any image or video. TechyGenerationBlog reserves the right to use it’s own image/video or any other image/video of it’s choosing alongside any blog post. If Guest Blogger provides an original image, Guest Blogger gives TechyGenerationBlog permission to use that image. Guest Blogger will verify that TechyGenerationBlog has permission to use any image that Guest Blogger provides. If Guest Blogger is borrowing an image, he/she agrees to use proper attribution.
  5. Blogger Backlink: TechyGenerationBlog allows Guest Blogger backlink with links to Guest Blogger’s website and/or social media pages. TechyGenerationBlog reserves the right to refuse any link for any reason. TechyGenerationBlog reserves the right to limit the number of Backlinks (Maximum 2). The link may not be an affiliate link or point to an affiliate site.
  6. Links: TechyGenerationBlog reserves the right to refuse and remove any links within the post. This may be done without notice.
  7. Editing: TechyGenerationBlog may make changes to the content for any reason. Prior to publication, TechyGenerationBlog will make sure that Guest Blogger agrees with the changes.
  8. If a guest post is inappropriate or needs improvement, TechyGenerationBlog will give Guest Blogger notice and may offer suggestions.
  9. TechyGenerationBlog reserves the right to refuse publication, remove any content, and make changes to these guidelines.

If you have complied with our guidelines, Click here to Contact us.